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WAIT.  Stop thinking about life insurance.  Focus on the most important decision of your life - your relationship with God.  Use your free will to say yes and share this prayer with me  "Dear God, I know that I am a sinner.  I ask for your forgiveness.  I believe that Jesus Christ is your son.  I believe He died for my sins and You raised him to life.  I want him to come into my heart and take control of my life.  In Jesus name.  Amen"


 If you are visiting in response to one of our , tv or printed ads for "Affordable Life Insurance", click on "Affordable Life Insurance" tab.

If you are visiting in response to one of our group presentations about "Lump Sum Cancer Insurance" or "Lump Sum Heart Insurance" or you have one of our brochures and want more information, then click on "Cancer & Heart Insurance" tab. Then call or so that I can answer your questions.

Come on back and browse our site when you have time. Thanks.

As a 50+ year veteran of the life and insurance business, I have witnessed how many hundreds of my clients and their families have been affected, both financially and emotionally, when faced with critical illnesses, disabilities, and death. Those who have taken the time and effort to plan, in advance, for such possible life events are able to make the necessary decisions without the added burden of worrying about having enough money to obtain the best medical care that will give them the best chance of recovery.

Insurance is a simple concept; however it can become very confusing when one is trying to analyze the various terms and conditions and trying to compare different policies. I hope to be able to share with you some insight that will make your experience in selecting the appropriate coverage, at a reasonable, affordable cost, less stressful and more satisfying.

May I suggest that, if you have the time and interest, you "click" on "About Us" and read a little about my qualifications and some of my life experiences, so that you are comfortable with knowing who you are communicating with. If your time is limited, and you want to go directly to an insurance topic that is of immediate interest to you, just "click" on the 'Product' tab and "Interesting Links" tab to explore specific information.


Perhaps we should talk.


Your questions and requests are welcome. I look forward to the opportunity to earn your trust.

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